The Employee Health Center is nationally recognized for the Asheville Project.

The Department also manages an off-site Employee Health Center that is staffed by a supervisor, physician assistant, two nurses, and a medical secretary.
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The Human Resources Department provides a variety of professional human resource functions in support of all City Departments in the recruitment and selection, administration of job classification and wage plans, employee training and development, organizational development, and compliance with employment regulations and guidelines as dictated by federal, state and local laws, including managing the city medical, dental and other health related benefits administration. The Human Resources Department and City Organization In accordance with North Carolina law, Asheville is subject to a Civil Service Board comprised of two members elected by employees, two members appointed by the City Council and one member appointed by the Board members. While North Carolina law does not permit collective bargaining between the City and any labor union, trade union or labor organization as a bargaining agent for City employees, there are employee associations with membership in both the Police and Fire & Rescue Departments. Support service departments include General Services (Facilities & Asset Management, including Fleet Services), Communication and Public Engagement, Finance, and Information Technology. The City's 1,203 full-time equivalent workforce provides a high level of City services including fire and police protection, planning, economic development, development services, public works (streets, sanitation, and stormwater services), parks and recreation, transportation and water.

City Council, which acts as the City's legislative and policy-making body, selects the City Manager, who is the City's Chief Executive Officer and is responsible for implementing the policies and programs adopted by the City Council. The seven-members of City Council are elected at-large for staggered terms of four years. The City of Asheville, which was incorporated in 1797, operates under a Council/Manager form of government.

chose Asheville among its"10 Best Outdoor Towns in America."(October 2015).News & World Report put Asheville on its round-up of the"Best Foodie Destinations in the USA."(February 2016) Travel + Leisure featured Asheville at #11on its list of"The Best Cities in North America."(February2016).Asheville topped the list of"The 12 Best Places to Retire in the U.S."by Condé Nast Traveler (May 2016) and #3 among"The 30 Best Small Cities in America"and #7 among"The 2015 Friendliest Cities in the U.S."(August 2015).The City is surrounded by lush mountains, many with elevations above 5,000 feet. Asheville is nestled between the Blue Ridge and Great Smoky Mountains and located astride the French Broad and Swannanoa Rivers. The City is the county seat of Buncombe County, the largest city in Western North Carolina and the eleventh largest city in the State. Asheville is the regional center for manufacturing, transportation, health care, banking, professional services, and shopping. The City of Asheville, with a population of 87,236 people, comprises an area of approximately 45.2 square miles in Western North Carolina. Location: City of Asheville, NC Download: City of Asheville, NC - Director of Human Resources Brochure City of Asheville, NC